Weinberg Village

Centered in the heart of LifeTown is Weinberg Village, a 5,000 square-foot, true-to-life cityscape where our groundbreaking program, Lessons for Life, serves students with disabilities from 200 schools in 54 school districts. Lessons for Life fills the gap between classroom learning and real world experiences by teaching life skills and giving the opportunity to confidently assume responsibility and independence in the outside world. Below are the locations in the Weinberg Village that create these life skills experiences.

Fringe Too Salon

Manicures, hand massages and hair styling are available for male and female students who can schedule appointments and learn about tipping service providers.

Sav-On Drugs

Stocked with conventional drug store items including snacks and beverages, Sav-On offers students the opportunity to practice money management skills.

Pet Shop

Lessons in responsibility are taught as students look at, pet and feed animals. Rabbits, fish, snakes and lizards are just a few of the animals housed in the fully functioning pet store.

Friendship Cafe

A cafe where students can learn skills such as waiting on line, ordering food and beverages, money management and more..

Huntington Bank

Students interact with a bank teller to withdraw real money and keep it in their Friendship Circle wallet. They then collect receipts as they shop and return to deposit any unused money at the end of their day.

West Bloomfield Library

Students have the opportunity to browse the library, read a story, check out age-appropriate books and research topics on the Internet.

Henry Ford Medical Center

A staffed waiting room, doctor’s and dentist’s office with real medical supplies and equipment for role-playing and helping students become comfortable with the experience of going to the doctor or dentist.

Friendship Theater

Students practice waiting in line, purchasing movie tickets, buying freshly popped popcorn and choosing a seat to take in a short, age-appropriate show.


Students learn when and where to cross the street to avoid getting a ticket from our friendly village police officer. Students may also use the street bikes, obeying the traffic signals.


In the Weinberg Village park students can relax and gather around our tree that reaches up through the ceiling.